Savvina Georgiou
Speech Therapist
Savvina Georgiou graduated from the Cyprus University of Technology in 2024 with a Bachelor's degree in Rehabilitation Sciences, specializing in Speech Therapy/Speech Pathology. During her clinical training, she worked with both pediatric cases — including syndromes, developmental delays, and articulation difficulties — and adult cases, primarily focusing on Dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
In March 2023, in collaboration with the Limassol Day Center of the “Ithaki” association, she volunteered to administer the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), a key tool used for diagnosing dementia.
Since September 2024, she has been part of the interdisciplinary team at the multidisciplinary therapy center “Multisense”, offering counseling, assessment, diagnosis, and therapy services. Savvina is a registered member of the Cyprus Association of Registered Speech Therapists.